HIGGS, Percival George

Service Number: 10/406
Rank: Private
Enlistment Unit: New Zealand - Wellington Infantry Battalion
Transferred Unit: Not known or not applicable
Date of Enlistment: 14 August 1914
Enlistment Age: 26 years 3 months
Fate of person: Not known

Biographical Details

Percival was born in Lefroy where his father was a miner. When war broke out in 1914 though his parents were living in Invermay, it seems he enlisted with the New Zealand forces. He was certainly with them at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 but soon afterwards he contracted enteric fever and was sent to hospital in Alexandria. At the end of the war he returned to New Zealand and married Pearl Wring. By 1922 he was living again in Launceston and working as a winch driver on the Tasmanian railways. He died in 1945 in Invermay.

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