Service Number: 1000
Rank: Not known
Enlistment Unit: 12th Battalion
Transferred Unit: Not known or not applicable
Date of Enlistment: 5 September 1914
Enlistment Age: 19 years 7 months
Fate of person: Returned to Australia
Biographical Details
Douglas was born in Ross in 1895. He was a woodcarver by trade and like many young men had spent some time with the Launceston Senior Cadets and the 92nd Infantry. He enlisted 5 September 1914 and embarked for Egypt on 20 October from Hobart on the Geelong. Douglas was an early casualty of the Gallipoli Campaign being admitted to hospital in Alexandria on 30 April 1915. Although he re-joined his regiment, 12th Battalion, he was soon readmitted to hospital with diarrhoea and enteric fever, the latter serious enough for him to be repatriated to Tasmania where he was discharged in January 1916. Douglas continued to live in Launceston and died in February 1975.
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